Jul 23, · Mumbai, Maharashtra, India A site by Dr Anthony Melvin Crasto, world drug tracker for helping organic chemists with websites, trying to get information at one place, easy picks for users. million hits on google, purely academic, non commercial and free from advertisements, pushing boundaries, world acclamation for efforts May 24, · 13 Websites To Learn Chemistry Lessons Online Review 1) Udemy Udemy feature a wide array of chemistry lessons on their site that you can take to learn more about the essentials of the subject. Their many courses cover lessons for both people that have studied little to no chemistry and for those that are looking to become masters at blogger.comted Reading Time: 12 mins Chemistry Help Online Free. It's difficult to be good at everything. No, it's not impossible, but there is price you have to pay for it. This can be said particularly about studying. You just have to spend more time to cope with every assignment perfectly. At first, you are even excited and proud of yourself for being such a good student
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some more advanced organic chemistry topics. Browse our chemistry topics below, or contact one of our chemistry tutors for private help. Before you get into the other topics, learning HOW to learn chemistry is a great place to start, best chemistry help sites this section will help. Almost everyone has heard of the periodic table, but do you know how to read it? This section gives you a thorough. Find out more here. Matter has a variety of different states, ranging from gases to solids.
Learn more about them in this section. What are the different bonds and how do you create a compound? Best chemistry help sites some clarity in this thorough section. We cover a lot of ground here. What makes an acid or a base weak or strong? What are acids and bases in the first place? Polyatomic ions are ions with many atoms; they contain more than one element.
They are charged just like regular. ions; for example, an ion looks like this: Cl —while a polyatomic ion looks like this:. ClO 3 —. While the chloride ion only contains one element — chlorine — the chlorate ion contains. Electronegativity is a property of atoms that has to do with the tendency to attract electrons from another atom to.
form an ionic bond. Electronegativity is measured using the Pauling scale, which was instated by Linus Pauling, best chemistry help sites. Reactions All reactions can be classified as endothermic storing energy or exothermic releasing energy. This lesson. reviews the ways in which reactions store and give off energy, best chemistry help sites, including items like heat, light, and mechanical energy.
Hydrolysis occurs when one adds water to a compound, which causes the compound to break apart into a cation and an. Then, water can bond chemically with the substance, changing its chemical form. These reactions often take place. When a reaction is in a state of dynamic equilibrium, the reaction is reversible. This means that, to maintain. equilibrium, the products break apart to form the reactants, best chemistry help sites. Read this lesson for more information on dynamic.
Enthalpy is a state function that is measured in kilojoules per mole. Enthalpy is abbreviated as H in the. Enthalpy can help an observer discern whether a reaction is endothermic or. exothermic based on the enthalpy having a positive or negative value. Read on to find out more about enthalpy! Like enthalpy, entropy is also a state function that is defined as ΔSor S f —.
It is a spontaneous reaction that occurs naturally. Entropy measures the disorder of a system. Read this, best chemistry help sites. Mass spectrometry is used to experimentally determine the molecular weight of a sample by ionizing a molecule and.
passing it through electrical and magnetic fields. The observer would then note how the ionized compound responds. which correlates with the molecular weight in a quantifiable way. Read on best chemistry help sites learn more about the intricate process of. The result is that one can tell.
The Born-Haber cycle is a series of chemical processes that are used to calculate the lattice energy of ionic. Read on for a definition of lattice. This page identifies different types of bonds, including covalent, best chemistry help sites, polar covalent, ionic, and hydrogen.
It explains. how to draw compound structures by counting electrons and placing bonds accordingly. The Octet and Duet rules are also. This page details how electrons are arranged in an atom, including information about the orbitals s, p, d, and f.
and how to easily tell which orbital an electron is in, best chemistry help sites. Electron delocalization can be really confusing! In order to understand this concept, one must learn about. The Aufbau principle describes how electrons fill energy levels in an atom. In order to write the electron. configuration of an atom, one must know how the subshells fill.
Using the diagonal rule will certainly help with this. Hybridization occurs when two atomic orbitals combine to form one hybrid orbital. One of the more common types of. hybridization is sp 3 hybridization, which is described in detail in this lesson. Read on for more detailed. Electrolysis occurs in electrolytic cells when an electrical current causes a best chemistry help sites oxidation-reduction.
Voltaic cells use chemical energy to do electrical work. A redox reaction occurs, and the electrons are forced. through an electrical circuit.
Read on to find out the specifics on how voltaic cells power electrical processes! The study of nuclear reactions is called radiation chemistry. A nuclear reaction involves the nucleus of an atom, best chemistry help sites. These types of processes were first discovered by Marie Curie in the late s.
Read on for more details about. Chemistry Introduces carbon structures and interactions between molecules. Basic vocabulary and ideas are introduced. Alkanes and alkenes are both hydrocarbons that follow the standard nomenclature procedures. Learn whether alkanes. and alkenes are saturated or unsaturated, which is more reactive, and how to name a compound by looking at its. Electrophilic Substitutions EArS Reactions When aromatic compounds undergo reactions with electrophiles, a substitution reaction occurs.
This reaction is known. as an electrophilic aromatic substitution EArS or EAS reaction. Read on for an in-depth description of how these.
Halogenoalkanes are exciting because, compared to alkanes, they are very highly reactive when paired with. nucleophiles or bases. Halogenoalkanes are also SP3 hybridized. Read this lesson to find out more information on. Best chemistry help sites carbonyl condensation reaction occurs between two carbonyl partners and involve nucleophilic addition and α.
This lesson also covers aldol condensation as well as the Robinson annulation reaction. Read on for more. An elimination reaction occurs when a starting product breaks down into two new products that contain all the atoms. of the original reactant, best chemistry help sites. There are two types: E1 and E2. Read this lesson for more information about elimination. Reactions Nucleophilic substitution reactions best chemistry help sites when a nucleophile interacts with an electrophile.
Read this lesson for a. This lesson also covers nucleophilic substitution including the SN1 and SN2 mechanisms. Effects on kinetic rate. Because many students cannot and do not draw organic structures correctly, one of our most prominent chemistry.
tutors took the time to explain how to draw cyclohexane rings in great detail.
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, time: 17:02Chemistry library | Science | Khan Academy

Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. Here you can browse chemistry videos, articles, and exercises by topic. We keep the library up-to Content in this section of Wyzant Lessons has been curated by tutors, as well as by blogger.com creator David Wilner. David Wilner is a native of Georgia, USA, born just before the end of WWII. Mr. Wilner is happiest when he is explaining things in science (pontificating), so it is natural that he has been a science teacher in high school and a teacher of chemistry at Georgia Perimeter College Jul 23, · Mumbai, Maharashtra, India A site by Dr Anthony Melvin Crasto, world drug tracker for helping organic chemists with websites, trying to get information at one place, easy picks for users. million hits on google, purely academic, non commercial and free from advertisements, pushing boundaries, world acclamation for efforts
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