May 13, · Compare and contrast essays don’t have to be dull and tedious! Homeschool high school students will be sure to enjoy a few of this week’s lighthearted topics. Help teens stay focused with a four-paragraph outline: introduction, similarities, differences, and conclusion. Motivated writers may need two paragraphs for the comparisons or two paragraphs for the contrasts, and that’s fine, too!Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Top 10 Classic Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for High School Students Chemistry vs Biology Classical vs Rock music. Modern and ancient philosophers. E-books vs paper textbooks. Difference between effects of books and video games on morals. Facts vs Truth Geology and mineralogy. Tangerines vs Jul 03, · The compare/contrast essay is easy and rewarding to teach for several reasons: It's easy to convince students there is a reason for learning it. You can teach it effectively in a few steps. You can see students' critical thinking skills improve as they learn to write the essay
85 Impressive Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for
They have been used in regular high school classes where reading levels ranged from fourth to twelfth grade. Selecting subjects that matter to students is critical for this step. For example, one might be to compare two models of cars and then write a letter to a benefactor who might buy them one. Another would be a store manager writing to a buyer about two products. Academic topics such as comparing two organisms, two wars, two approaches to solving a math problem may also be useful.
Explain that there are two ways to write the essay but don't go into any detail on how to do it just yet. Explain that when comparing, students should mention differences but focus on similarities.
Conversely, when contrasting they should mention similarities but focus on differences. You should plan to spend a few classes on this. Although it seems simple, students doing it for the first time perform better if they aren't rushed through this step. Working in teams, with a partner, or in a group is helpful.
Many tenth graders have difficulty thinking of these words if this step is skipped. Provide model sentences with these words which they can use until they become comfortable with them.
Have students write the block style first since it is easier. Students should be told that the block is better to show similarities and the feature-by-feature is better to show differences. Guide students through their first essay providing help with an introduction and transition sentences. It is helpful to allow students to use a chart they have completed as a class or one that they have done independently and that you have checked, compare and contrast essay for high school students.
Do not assume they understand the chart until they have done one correctly. By giving in-class writing time, many more students will work on the assignment. Without it, students with little motivation may not write the essay. Walk around asking who needs a little help to get more participation from reluctant learners. Explain that after writing their essay, students should edit and revise. They should continue the cycle of editing and revising until compare and contrast essay for high school students are satisfied with the quality of their essay.
Explain the advantages of revising on the computer. For editing tips, compare and contrast essay for high school students, check these suggestions for revising drafts compare and contrast essay for high school students the University of North Carolina Writing Center. Staple a rubric to each essay and have students evaluate them.
Be sure to check off on a roster the names of students who turn in essays because they could be stolen during the peer evaluation activity. Consider requiring students who have not finished to submit their essay for peer evaluation after writing " Not Finished" at the top of their papers. This helps peers recognize that the essay is incomplete.
More importantly, taking their paper forces them to participate in the evaluation activity rather than trying to finish the essay in class. Consider giving 25 points each for evaluating three essays and another 25 points for quiet participation.
Tell students to read their essay aloud or to have someone else read it to them to catch any errors. Share Flipboard Email. Melissa Kelly.
Education Expert. Melissa Kelly, M. our editorial process. Cite this Article Format. Kelly, Melissa. How to Teach the Compare and Contrast Essay. copy citation. Watch Now: How to Answer an Essay Question. Beef Up Critical Thinking and Writing Skills: Comparison Essays. Organizing Compare-Contrast Paragraphs. Tips to Cut Writing Assignment Grading Time. Venn Diagrams to Plan Essays and More. Writing a Lesson Plan: Closure and Context. How to Teach Topic Sentences Using Models.
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Compare/Contrast Analysis Student Example
, time: 7:39Compare and Contrast Essay Examples for All Students

Compare And Contrast Essay Topics For High School Students. Life exposes us to comparison daily. We resort to comparing things to make crucial decisions. As a student, you can find compare and contrast essay topics for high school students. You shouldn’t be puzzled when you are assigned a paper of this nature Compare and contrast essay is a common type of academic writing. This type of essay is based on analyzing the similarities and differences and contrasting two subjects. Write a compare and contrast essay is not a difficult task if you follow proper guidelines. It needs a proper structure and outline Compare And Contrast Essay Example for High School. The high school essay is different from the college compare and contrast essay. It does not require that expert level of logical analysis from the students. Instead, it is just an opportunity for them to learn better. The following is the best sample for high school compare and contrast essay: High School Comparative Essay Example (PDF)
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