The University of Canterbury has been making a difference to people’s lives and to society for nearly years. At UC we strive to produce doctoral and PhD graduates who make an impact in a changing world - Tangata Tū, Tangata Ora. "Ideas of place have always been fundamental to Dec 16, · The only reason you ever hear the phrase “Dr. Henry Kissinger” is that Kissy grew up in title-mad, airs-and-graces Germany, where people are awed rather than dismissive even if you insist on a triple-serving title (“Herr Professor Doktor”).Insisting on being called “Doctor” when you don’t heal people is, among most holders of In some systems the doctorate consists only of a dissertation and defense. (And registering, paying fees, etc.). These kinds of doctorates typically take about three years. I have a friend with a PhD in Theology, who never took any classes in theology
Phd by thesis only – Logan Square Auditorium
Search Akamai University. Tel: 1 International Toll Free Number: 1 Site Links Home All About Akamai Accreditation Alumni Commentary Administration Faculty Admissions Degree Programs Tuition and Fees Virtual Campus Virtual Library Research Hall Contact Information Enroll Now Akamai Journals The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology Contribute Articles Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology Contribute Articles Journal for Advancement of the Human Condition Contribute Articles Directory of Online Journals Recommend Journals.
Introduction Eligible Fields of Study Admission Requirements Degree Requirements Degree Process Dissertation Committee Download Overview for Research Doctorate. Akamai University provides an effective path to the doctorate for mid-career professionals who have completed Master's level study in their major field and considerable career experience at the higher levels of the profession.
The primary objective of the program is to provide a means for qualified candidates to produce quality dissertations under the tutorial of a graduate committee of three doctorate by thesis only members of the Akamai faculty.
Eligible Fields of Study The following are eligible fields of study for pursuit of the Doctor of Philosophy by Dissertation: Applied Psychology Integrative Psychology Business Administration Community and Economic Development Hospitality Management Environmental Doctorate by thesis only Applied Ecopsychology Public Health Healthcare Administration Community Health Education Integral Health Doctorate by thesis only Complementary and Alternative Medicine Energy Medicine Sustainability Studies Peace, Diplomacy and International Relations Transpersonal Psychology Integrated Psychology.
Entry Requirements As prerequisites for acceptance to the "doctoral program by doctorate by thesis only only" to be conducted by major research, participants should have completed the equivalent of a recognized graduate degree in an appropriate field of study and have several years of meaningful professional experience. Participants are expected to be proficient in English language skills or provide other assurances of effective guidance and language support throughout the program.
Participants must have access to a computer, appropriate software, email and Internet, and academic library resources. Degree Requirements Participants pursuing the doctorate degree by research shall complete a seven-phase process equivalent to 52 credits above the Master's degree in traditional doctoral program including three doctoral research tutorials, a comprehensive review, and doctorate by thesis only dissertation project.
The doctoral research tutorials are intended to assure the participants have the skills and knowledge to examine the existing scholarly literature, design an effective advanced research study, carry out the project, analyze the data and present the findings in a publishable quality manuscript, doctorate by thesis only. The comprehensive review includes written and oral components that permit doctorate by thesis only to determine if the participant has sufficient preparation to proceed to the research phase of the program.
The dissertation process includes preparation of a formal dissertation proposal, completion of the dissertation project, and preparation of the manuscript doctorate by thesis only review by the doctoral committee review. Participants then complete an oral review of dissertation as a conclusion of the degree process. As a minimum degree requirement, doctoral participants must maintain enrollment at Akamai University for at least one and one-half calendar years.
Although a maximum period of six years is allowed to complete the program, most doctoral participants are fully capable of finishing their programs within three years.
No transfer credit shall be applied to this degree, as it is based upon a seven-step quality review process. At each phase of the doctoral process, in order to progress to the next phase, written approval by the University doctoral committee is required. To remain in good standing, participants must demonstrate effective progress toward achieving quality standards at each phase. Upon successful completion of the process, participants are awarded the doctor of philosophy degree.
Phase 1: Dissertation Tutorial I - Basic Research Methods Phase 2: Dissertation Tutorial II - Literature Review Phase 3: Dissertation Tutorial III - Research Presentation Phase 4: Doctoral Comprehensive Review Phase 5: Dissertation Proposal Process Phase 6: Conduct of Dissertation Project Phase 7: Oral Doctorate by thesis only of Dissertation.
Phase 1: Basic Research Methods The first tutorial instructs the participant in foundational theories, principles, and practices specific to the proposed dissertation research, doctorate by thesis only, thus clarifying the underlying principles and justifications that support the proposed concept for research.
As a minimum element of this tutorial, participants must complete a suitable course selected from the appropriate Center research offerings. Participants must pass a quality review examination conducted by the graduate doctorate by thesis only, and if deemed essential, complete additional research methodology coursework to satisfy preparation requirements. Phase 2: Literature Review This second research tutorial is designed to guide the participant in conducting a thorough and effective search of the scholarly doctorate by thesis only in relation to a project of research.
Participants examine the quality of existing scholarly literature in their field of research and participate in a quality review under the guidance of the doctoral committee. Phase 3: Research Presentation The third tutorial is intended to guide the participant in understanding the requirements for effective written argument, referencing and citations of the scholarly literature, and presentation of the findings from research and participate in a quality review under the guidance of the doctoral committee.
Phase 4: Doctoral Comprehensive Review Upon satisfactory completion of the doctoral research tutorials, the participant will be authorized to schedule the comprehensive review. The senior member of the doctoral committee will direct the written and oral components of the review. The written portion is open book style with selected essay questions requesting creative responses that reach for the higher levels of understanding.
Answers should be drawn from the scholarly literature as well as applications within the professional business environment. Proper referencing of the scholarly literature is expected. The oral component of the review shall be completed by conference between the participant and committee members and is intended to encourage an open discussion of the written essay responses. Phase 5: Dissertation Proposal Process During this phase of the process, participants prepare a formal proposal related to their concept for research.
The proposal is completed under the direction of the doctoral committee and prepared according to published University guidelines, which shall be provided to the participant. Phase 6: Conduct of Dissertation Project Following approval of the dissertation proposal, doctorate by thesis only, participants will begin their research project.
The dissertation may take the form of a traditional research project or it may be a major scholarly project of the type appropriate to the discipline, doctorate by thesis only. Whichever approach to the dissertation is chosen, the resulting project must demonstrate mastery of a body of knowledge in the field and represent a meaningful and original contribution to the betterment of the profession.
The dissertation project may be conducted by quantitative, doctorate by thesis only, qualitative, or participatory action research.
The body of the dissertation manuscript should exceed 75 double spaced, typewritten pages and be structured according to a set of approved research and manuscript guidelines provide by the University. Dissertations that take the form of a scholarly project must follow the guidelines provided by the University for such projects.
Phase 7: Oral Review of Dissertation Once the participant has prepared doctorate by thesis only dissertation manuscript, the senior member of the doctoral committee will schedule the formal review process and act to conduct both the formal physical review of the manuscript and oral review of the dissertation project.
Following receipt of the research manuscript, doctorate by thesis only, it usually takes the three member doctoral committee four to six weeks to complete the physical review and prepare questions and commentary for later discussion. The oral review is carried out by personal conference and is designed to allow doctorate by thesis only investigation of the underlying review of the literature, the dissertation methodology, and the mechanics of the project, presentation of the findings, and conclusions and recommendations.
One outcome of the dissertation review process is a set of final expectations directing the participant through the remaining tasks for completing the dissertation manuscript. Once the final manuscript is approved, the participant will submit the formal document to an approved bindery and later arrange for the bound dissertation to be shipped to the University headquarters in Hawaii for permanent archival storage.
Upon the participant's completion of the final tasks, and receipt of the needed records and documentation, doctorate by thesis only, the University will issue a letter of completion to the participant.
It will then make preparation doctorate by thesis only issuance of the transcript of record and diploma certificate. Formation of Dissertation Committee Responsibilities of Dissertation Committee Committee Appointment Schedule Building the Student's Plan for Study. Doctoral participants will progress through their programs under the advisement and mentorship of a three-member Doctoral Committee composed of qualified Akamai graduate faculty.
The Committee is comprised of a primary, secondary and tertiary mentor, each with a assigned role in directing the doctoral process. Doctoral participants are expected to work in unity with the same doctoral committee members throughout the entire program, doctorate by thesis only. However, participants requiring a change in committee members must submit a formal petition to the University administration to request the change and such petitions must include a special fee.
It must be understood that changing the composition of a doctoral committee may result in a readjustment of expectations, as the committee works to incorporate the ideas and advisement of the new committee member.
This may also result in extending the completion date of the degree. Formation of Dissertation Committee Doctoral students have a Dissertation Committee of three qualified graduate faculty appointed to oversee and govern the student's program structure, progress of studies, comprehensive examinations and dissertation project, a Committee Chair, doctorate by thesis only, a Secondary Member and a Tertiary Member.
Committee Appointment Schedule The Committee Chair is appointed immediately following the Doctoral student's registration and continues in charge of the student's program until final completion is recorded at the school of record.
While the secondary member of the Dissertation Committee are identified and confirmed at the onset of the program, and listed in the plan of study, they become active later, just prior to the activities for which they are asked to participate.
The Secondary Committee Member becomes active one month prior to the commencing of the written component of the Doctoral student's Final Comprehensive Examination and continues with the student's program until final completion is recorded. Building the Student's Plan for Study Immediately following registration, Doctoral students begin work with their assigned Committee Chair in structuring their formal plan for study.
The process determines and formalizes the elements of the student's Doctoral program and the timeline for completion. The plan for study includes the following essential elements: The designation of the degree major for the Study Plan The identification of the school contacts and contact information for the schools participating in the delivery of the Doctoral program. Identification of the required array of coursework for each element of the program.
Identification of the secondary and tertiary members of the Dissertation Committee. Appointment and notification of the course module instructors Acceptance of transfer courses for the student's program. The timeline for completion of the degree program. These activities require active participation by the student in program planning and may take considerable time to complete the dialogue and exchange of information.
Students are strongly advised to discuss in detail the elements in the plan for study including the coursework, the examinations, and elements of research including the manuscript guidelines. Once all of the decisions have been made concerning the plan for study, the student and Committee Chair sign the formal document.
Copies of the document are sent to the University headquarters for approval and entry to the permanent student record. The plan for study becomes the document that determines effective progress toward the degree. When the expectations laid out in the plan for study have been successfully accomplished, the student is recommended for the degree by the Committee Chair. Students are advised that the University can make no commitment to inclusion of course modules and assignment of instructors to a student program until after the plan for study has been fully processed and approved.
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Academic Mission Statement Degree Programs Non-Degree Programs Parent Effectiveness Training Certificate Professional Studies Directed Study University Center Special Outside Training Tuition and Fees Program Handbook, doctorate by thesis only. Our Model of Education Our Instructional Models Prospective Students Benefits of Our Distance Education. Credit by Assessment of Prior Learning Credit by Challenge Examination Admissions Registration Completing the Program.
Mission of Community Service Active Projects Projects in Planning. Research Support Online Akamai Research Philosophy Research Preparation Courses Research Journals Research Asistantships Doctoral Research Tutorials Syllabi Akamai Research Blogs. E-mail Submit Support Ticket.
About Akamai School Charter Statement of Accreditation Greeting from the Akamai President Location of Akamai Headquarters Board of Directors Academic Council Administration Faculty University Conflict of Interest Policy Academics Academic Mission Statement Degree Programs Doctorate by thesis only Programs Parent Effectiveness Training Certificate Professional Studies Directed Study University Center Special Outside Training Tuition and Fees Program Handbook Students Our Model of Education Our Instructional Models Prospective Students Benefits of Our Distance Education Admissions Credit by Assessment of Prior Learning Credit by Challenge Examination Admissions Registration Completing the Program Community Mission of Community Service Active Projects Doctorate by thesis only in Planning Research Research Support Online Akamai Research Philosophy Research Preparation Courses Research Journals Research Asistantships Doctoral Research Doctorate by thesis only Syllabi Akamai Research Blogs Contact E-mail Submit Support Ticket.
Tel: 1 International Toll Free Number: 1 Site Links. All About Akamai. Alumni Commentary. Degree Programs. Tuition and Fees. Virtual Campus, doctorate by thesis only.
Virtual Doctorate by thesis only. Research Hall. Contact Information. Enroll Now. Akamai Journals. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology Contribute Articles Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology Contribute Articles Journal for Advancement of the Human Condition Contribute Articles Directory of Online Journals Recommend Journals.
Eligible Fields of Study The following are eligible fields of study for pursuit of the Doctor of Philosophy by Dissertation: Applied Psychology Integrative Psychology Business Administration Community and Economic Development Hospitality Management Environmental Studies Applied Ecopsychology Public Health Healthcare Administration Community Health Education Integral Health Studies Complementary and Alternative Medicine Energy Medicine Sustainability Studies Peace, Diplomacy and International Relations Transpersonal Psychology Integrated Psychology Entry Requirements As prerequisites for acceptance to the "doctoral program by dissertation only" to be conducted by major research, participants should have completed the equivalent of a recognized graduate degree in an appropriate field of study and have several years of meaningful professional experience.
Return to Top Degree Doctorate by thesis only Participants pursuing the doctorate degree by research shall complete a seven-phase process equivalent to 52 credits above the Master's degree in traditional doctoral program including three doctoral research tutorials, a comprehensive review, doctorate by thesis only, and a dissertation project.
Degree Requirements Phase 1: Dissertation Tutorial I - Basic Research Methods Phase 2: Dissertation Tutorial II - Literature Review Phase 3: Dissertation Tutorial III - Research Presentation Phase 4: Doctoral Comprehensive Review Phase 5: Dissertation Proposal Process Phase 6: Conduct of Dissertation Project Phase 7: Oral Review of Dissertation Phase 1: Basic Research Methods The first tutorial instructs the participant in foundational theories, principles, and practices specific to the proposed dissertation research, thus clarifying the underlying principles and justifications that support the proposed concept for research.
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Dec 16, · The only reason you ever hear the phrase “Dr. Henry Kissinger” is that Kissy grew up in title-mad, airs-and-graces Germany, where people are awed rather than dismissive even if you insist on a triple-serving title (“Herr Professor Doktor”).Insisting on being called “Doctor” when you don’t heal people is, among most holders of You can read on for detailed information about doctorate degree online no dissertation,1 year phd programs online,free phd programs online,fully funded online phd programs,dissertation only phd theology,dissertation only phd programs uk,1 year phd program uk,easiest phd without dissertation and more at Koboguide Jun 11, · What is a Doctoral Dissertation? A doctoral dissertation, the culmination of most doctoral degree programs, is a substantial written document in which the student uses the teachings and skills gleaned from the entire program to develop and discuss an original concept, theory or practice that will help advance the blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
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