− 45/2+6/2 ≟ − 35//2 Change to equivalent fractions with a common denominator. Check. − 39/2 = − 39/2 It checks. x = − 5/2 is the solution. In our next example we will study equations that need simplifying before any other steps are taken Get help with homework questions from verified tutors 24/7 on demand. Access 20 million homework answers, class notes, and study guides in our Notebank Software for math teachers that creates exactly the worksheets you need in a matter of minutes. Try for free. Available for Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, and Calculus
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Algebra 2 - Homework Help 9-1
, time: 7:30Equations and Inequalities
I am not a lazy student but sometimes I need help with my homework. Not everyone has parents, friends, or siblings who have a background in their area of study and can help them work through tough parts. This site never lets me down, and what’s more, is I feel like they really do care The Algebra 2 course, often taught in the 11th grade, covers Polynomials; Complex Numbers; Rational Exponents; Exponential and Logarithmic Functions; Trigonometric Functions; Transformations of Functions; Rational Functions; and continuing the work with Equations and Modeling from previous grades. Khan Academy's Algebra 2 course is built to deliver a comprehensive, illuminating, Get help with homework questions from verified tutors 24/7 on demand. Access 20 million homework answers, class notes, and study guides in our Notebank
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