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English Grammar: How to Use Relative Pronouns Where/When/Whose in Adjective Clauses
Language Focus : An explanation of how to use the relative pronouns wherewhenand whose. Includes several exercises. Worksheet Download : adjective-clause-worksheet-esl. docx scroll down to study the exercises online n. Note: An adjective clause and relative clause are the same. We will use the word adjective clause. This is the second lesson on adjective clauses.
There are three lessons in this unit:. This lesson will focus on wherewhenmy favorite restaurant essay, and whose. subject and object pronoun for people only. The man who m I saw was old. that subject and object pronoun for people and things. The book that I saw was red. which subject and object pronoun for things only.
The book, which I saw, was red. whose used for possessions. The man whose house was for sale was old. where used for places. The restaurant where we met was downtown.
when used for times. But sometimes places can be things. This can be confusing. Now, the first step in making an adjective clause is finding a word in each sentence that refers to the same thing. John lives in a town. The town is near the ocean. Which relative pronoun are we going to use? Next, we would move the {adjective clause} behind the noun it modifies a townbut it is already in the right place.
So the full sentence looks like this:. We only use where or when to replace words that are not the subjects of a sentence. He works in the town. The word town is not the subject and it is not the object of a verb either. It is an adverb of place. Rule : When the place or time is not the subject or object, then you can use the relative pronouns where and when. He works in the town WHERE, my favorite restaurant essay.
WHERE He works in the town. John lives my favorite restaurant essay a town { where he works}. John lives in a town where he works. Maybe he is a fisherman. You might have noticed that if the noun e. I love spring. The birds sing songs in spring. The birds sing songs in spring WHEN. WHEN the birds sing songs in spring.
I love spring { when the birds sing songs}. To summarizewe do not use when and where to replace subjects or objects. We my favorite restaurant essay them to replace adverbs of time or place. How would we combine them? I live in a house. The house has a swimming pool. I bought the house. My wife my favorite restaurant essay lives in the house. For example. I can meet you tomorrow. There are a lot of shopping malls downtown.
I want to live downtown. Show Answer. Note : You may have noticed that sometimes I have put commas in the answers. You can learn about how to use commas in adjective clauses in the next lesson on defining and non-defining adjective clauses.
In the next exercise, you will select a correct relative pronoun, my favorite restaurant essay. Scroll up and re-read the table if you need to review which pronouns are used for subjects, objects, my favorite restaurant essay, or other adverbs. Also, October is what you love it is the object of the verb. Whose is another relative pronoun that is not used for objects or subjects.
It is used for possessions. For example:. Step 1 : What is the same here in these two sentences? Well, none of the words are. The boy stood up, my favorite restaurant essay. The teacher had called his name. The teacher had called his WHOSE name. Step 3 : Move the relative pronoun whose and the noun it modifies to the beginning of the clause. The boy stood up { WHOSE name the teacher had called}.
Step 4 : Move the {adjective clause} behind the noun it describes the boy. The boy { whose name the teacher had called} stood up. Change the second sentences into adjective clauses. I hope you now understand how to use the relative pronouns where, when, and whose. If you were confused, please review the first lesson on subject and object relative pronouns.
If you have any questions or if you find a my favorite restaurant essay, please leave a comment below. English Current recommends Grammarly as a learning tool to reduce English mistakes. If you found this page helpful, consider a donation to our hosting bill to show your support!
You cannot combine these because the second sentence my favorite restaurant essay not refer to anything in the first sentence, my favorite restaurant essay. I am not sure, but I think there is a small error in one of the above questions I have cony pasted below. English Level : Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate Language Focus : An explanation of how to use the relative pronouns wherewhenand whose. Step 2 : Replace the second word with a relative pronoun. Step 1 : Find two words that refer to the same thing in each sentence.
Is spring the subject? Step 2 : Replace the noun with the relative pronoun. Step 3 : Move the noun to the beginning of the clause. Step 4 : Move my favorite restaurant essay {adjective clause} behind the noun it modifies I love spring { when the birds sing songs}. Show Answer There are a lot of shopping malls downtownwhere I want to live. My best friend lives in the town where I was born. On Fridaywhen we metit was raining. The Internetwhere you can find anything you wantis huge. The house that whom where I want to buy is too expensive.
The house that when where I was born is in a small town. The house that where nothing burned down was on Main Street. That was a time that where when I needed to be patient. That was a time which where when I will always remember. That was a time which when nothing was difficult to forget. Check Answers, my favorite restaurant essay.
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, time: 1:0126 Outstanding College Essay Examples | College Essay Guy

Jul 16, · Use these outstanding college essay examples to learn how to write your personal statement and supplemental essays for college applications. One of the best ways to write a successful college essay for your college application is by learning from real college essay examples that worked TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Elizabeth Gilbert was once an "unpublished diner waitress," devastated by rejection letters. And yet, in the wake of the success of 'Eat, Pray, Love,' she found herself identifying strongly with her former self. With beautiful insight, Gilbert reflects on why success can be as disorienting as failure and offers a simple -- though hard -- way to carry on Mar 27, · English Level: Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate. Language Focus: An explanation of how to use the relative pronouns where, when, and blogger.comes several exercises. Worksheet Download: blogger.com (scroll down to study the exercises online)n. Jump to: Relative Pronouns Where/When, Relative Pronoun Whose, Final Exercises
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