Summer assignments should be stopped. Immediately. Here’s why: 1. Summer is wait for it a vacation. It is a needed rest from required learning. Summer assignments interrupt that rest and make a mockery of the word “vacation.” Do I mean that students shouldn’t learn anything during the summer? Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Mar 07, · Mar 07, · Summer assignments, of course, aren’t particularly enjoyable, in most cases, but in my opinion, I would argue for summer assignments, under certain circumstances, however. I believe that summer Summer is a great time to procrastinate, but it’s necessary do everything step by step: 20 minutes a day will guarantee you at least some progress. Pick the morning time and you’ll find how easy it is to do morning exercises and after that get down to exercise your brain. You may even like it!
How To Finish Summer Homework: 14 Tips That Work
Please enter the email address that you use to login to TeenInk. com, and we'll email you instructions to reset your password. Persuasive Essay Writing Summer Assignments: unnecessary stress, or necessities for success? Just one more day, one more, until I was free. One more day of school and I could do what I want, not having the heavy burden of school resting on my shoulders. Finished with the constant pileups of homework that I, in quite a few instances, found myself trudging through.
Finished with the daily trials and tribulations of school, and the need for a defibrillator to wake me up and get me out of bed after the five slams of the sleep set button on the alarm blaring in my ear. After one day I would be free, and summer would be here. A time to relax, enjoy myself, do what I want, and most of all, time away from homework, something I want so badly to be away from.
Unfortunately, the anticipation for summer had me caught up in all the good thoughts, which were drowned out, just with the thought of the homework assignments, no—MASSIVE homework assignments I was given and expected to complete over the summer.
But on the opposite end, summer assignments serve a purpose, in more ways than one. I believe that summer work is a great way for students to prepare for the upcoming school curriculum, and also, to give them a feel of what the course expectations will be. A recent poll, taken on edutopia.
This, to me, brings about an interesting point and makes me think, do I really want to listen to the week long lectures in the first week of school describing curriculum and things we will eventually do? And studies show, the answer to that question is, indeed, the students put under high expectations and who are given more work as a 6th grader than the average American junior in High School.
On a recently conducted study on a survey site, Shirley Hobson, a parent, and grandparent speaks about what she thinks about summer assignments. It gives kids responsibility along with time for fun afterwards. It gives them something beneficial to do when none of their friends are home. A recent campaign here in the U. This, I believe is unnecessary and will raise more controversy than its worth, but the point being, for students to gain a sense of responsibility and making their years of high school count toward getting them the proper education for the ever-changing future, should i do my summer assignment, because after all, we are the future of this country, and as extra work may sound stressful and unneeded now, we will surely need what we have from our early years when we are the middle aged workers of America, and when constant advancements are being made, we can be the should i do my summer assignment making them, and interpreting them.
And for teachers, I hope that if you were thinking about killing students with 6 book reports and 2 written essays over summer, think again, because newsflash! Thank you for sharing this page with a friend! Which of your works would you like to tell your friends about? These links will automatically appear in your email.
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Hope in the Midst of Prejudice MAG. By Bapalapa2 ELITE Brooklyn, should i do my summer assignment, New York. Bapalapa2 ELITEBrooklyn, New York articles 0 photos 1 comment. View profile. You Have to Tell MAG. Give a Little MAG. Meninism MAG. My Dream MAG. Ellison MAG. This article has 0 comments. Post comment, should i do my summer assignment. Subscribe to Teen Ink magazine Submit to Teen Ink Find A College Find a Summer Program. Share this should i do my summer assignment. Your name.
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Doing All 4 of My AP Summer Assignments in 7 hours
, time: 13:13Why Schools Should Ditch Summer Assignments - Gifted Guru

Mar 07, · Mar 07, · Summer assignments, of course, aren’t particularly enjoyable, in most cases, but in my opinion, I would argue for summer assignments, under certain circumstances, however. I believe that summer Sep 14, · TONS of school mandate summer assignments, and not just in English. Schools, parents, and teachers justify them for the following reasons. They keep kids busy in the summer They keep kids’ learning from disappearing, or slipping in the summerEstimated Reading Time: 7 mins Jun 10, · No way. Summer is summer. We get to tell them what to do 9 months out of the year. Let kids (and for the younger ones, their parents) make decisions about what to do during their summer
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